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Corrupted Flash after 11.5 Upgrade

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi all, it's been a while...


While updating my sever from 10.x (can't remember which version) to 11.5. After the update the server wouldn't boot, and it appears that my flash drive is corrupted. Of course, I didn't follow the instructions and failed to create a flash backup before the upgrade, so I'm wondering if the upgrade process does anything to automatically back up the flash drive contents somewhere. It's probably a long shot, but my other choice is to restore to the last flash backup I have from 2018 and try to remember what I changed since then.


If anyone has any tips for accessing a flash drive that Windows doesn't even recognize ("D:\ is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."), I'm all ears.


Attached is what I see on the console during server boot: 


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