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emhttp filling up /var/log/unraid-api/stderr.log

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I recently got a message that /var/log was getting full after about a month of uptime so I went log digging. 


I keep seeing this error over and over in /var/log/unraid-api/stderr.log 

[2023-06-06T01:21:10.725] [3874] [ERROR] [emhttp] Failed loading state file from "/usr/local/emhttp/state/shares.ini" with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"
[2023-06-06T01:21:20.728] [3874] [ERROR] [emhttp] Failed loading state file from "/usr/local/emhttp/state/shares.ini" with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"
[2023-06-06T01:21:50.726] [3874] [ERROR] [emhttp] Failed loading state file from "/usr/local/emhttp/state/shares.ini" with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"
[2023-06-06T01:22:10.723] [3874] [ERROR] [emhttp] Failed loading state file from "/usr/local/emhttp/state/shares.ini" with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"


stdout.log has those, plus more!


[2023-06-06T01:29:15.747] [3874] [DEBUG] [app] Array was updated, publishing event
[2023-06-06T01:29:20.749] [3874] [DEBUG] [emhttp] Loading state file for disks
[2023-06-06T01:29:30.747] [3874] [DEBUG] [emhttp] Loading state file for disks
[2023-06-06T01:29:40.747] [3874] [DEBUG] [emhttp] Loading state file for disks
[2023-06-06T01:29:50.748] [3874] [DEBUG] [emhttp] Loading state file for disks
[2023-06-06T01:29:50.750] [3874] [DEBUG] [emhttp] Loading state file for shares
[2023-06-06T01:29:50.753] [3874] [ERROR] [emhttp] Failed loading state file from "/usr/local/emhttp/state/shares.ini" with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')"
[2023-06-06T01:29:50.754] [3874] [WARN] [emhttp] Invalid payload returned from loadSingleStateFile()


Is there a fix for this, or should I just reboot and hope it goes away?


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  • 2 weeks later...

The unraid-api logs are limited to using 10mb of RAM so they alone should not be filling up your log space. In a future release we are going to reduce that even further.


If you are still having this issue, first ensure you have the latest version of the Unraid plugin installed. Then go to Settings -> Management Access -> Unraid Connect and follow the instructions in the "Download unraid-api Logs" area to send the logs to support.

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