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Adding/Upgrading drives

Go to solution Solved by Hoopster,

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Several months ago, I built a SFF home server running Unraid.  As a new user, I used an 500GB m2 drive and a 500MB ssd (in a single array) usng drive that I had lying around.

Now I would like to add some storage and maybe a cache drive. 

What would be my initial steps so that I won't have to setup all my docker containers again, or lose my data?

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13 hours ago, robla64 said:

steps so that I won't have to setup all my docker containers again,

When you setup appdata in a different cache/pool drive location, simply reinstall all your previous docker containers from the Previous Apps section of the Apps tabs.  They will be restored with all previous settings intact.


If your data is to be moved to different drives, you can use the Unbalance plugin to move the data where you wish.  If it is staying on the same drive(s) you can preserve certain disk assignments in a new configuration.  Data remains intact.  You can also reassign drives to new slots if you wish and data remains intact as long as you do not format the drives.

Edited by Hoopster
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