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Question about permit exclusive shares

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I have a question or two about the permit exclusive shares and if I should change my setup now I am on 6.12


I set changed my docker containers to cache only and then pointed the containers to /mnt/cache/appdata/ and also set the Docker directory to /mnt/cache/system/docker/docker/ to bypass FUSE and improve performance.


Would it be better with the permit exclusive shares if I tune it on and then point both folders back to /mnt/user/ location is is the other setup best practice?


Also how can you tell if a share is a exclusive share and bypassing FUSE?

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  • Solution
8 minutes ago, Clayto said:

Would it be better with the permit exclusive shares if I tune it on and then point both folders back to /mnt/user/ location is is the other setup best practice?

The end result would be the same.


9 minutes ago, Clayto said:

Also how can you tell if a share is a exclusive share and bypassing FUSE?

Open the shares page and look for the highlighted symbol, it means the share is exclusive:



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  • 1 month later...

You need to meet two requirements for the icon / exclusive share. Have Primary storage that is not the array and have no secondary storage.


I believe the reason for this is because the Array uses the fuse file system to work.


In the screenshot below you can see the only share with the icon is my Cache only share.



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