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Not booting after unraid upgrade

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I upgraded Unraid from version 6.11.5 to 6.12.1 today. After the upgrade the device could not boot. After the mainboard logo it went dark and a tiny dash was blinking in the left corner. I rebooted the device pushing F8 for the boot menu and selected the flash drive. It booted into the blue screen where one can select GUI mode etc. Then it started to boot up and got stuck at the screen you see attached.


I mounted the flash drive to Ubuntu and could read and rsync all contents to my PC without any error messages.



Edited by iceteapeach
Added ubuntu mount info
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Unfortunately I don't have any backup of the flash drive, but I managed to rsync all contents to my disk. So it seems the flash drive works and something happend on the upgrade.


Do I need to make a clean install and just copy the config directory to the flash drive and thats all?


EDIT: I installed Unraid with USB Creator on the same stick, copied the config directory ended up with the same thing you see on the screenshot.

Edited by iceteapeach
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