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Unable to access WebUI - 6.11.5

Go to solution Solved by GovernorBlaze,

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Hello all, I seem to be running into a bit of an issue and I am not sure what it causing it.

This morning I made a mistake with my network config and had to boot into GUI mode, no problem, was able to gracefully shutdown and boot with GUI. I got the network issue sorted and was able to access everything including webGUI via the IP address.


I reboot the machine and once it starts booting I disconnected the monitor.

All my containers come back and are accessible but I am unable to access the webGUI.

I look around and see other have had this issue and docker container was using port 80, I SSH in and disable docker via the config.

Reboot and still no luck.

Then I try changing the default boot mode to GUI but still no luck.

I had a quick scan of the logs but nothing that I can see stands out.

Still running 6.11.5.


Any help is appreciated, thank you.


Edited by GovernorBlaze
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