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windows share stopped working (accessing via file manager)

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Just to give a little more background, everything worked perfectly and i started to tinker more and the OS hung up. so i rebooted, and it was stuck on "bz checksum error"  so after half a dozen attempts i just threw caution to the wind and pulled the USB stick to reimage a new Unraid copy.


that booted up and i was soon able to claim/and rebuild my server. i was missing apps and after setting up stuff again i realized that I no longer have access to the shares via windows.


so my question is.. does this array that am using have any specific ties ot the older instance of unraid i was running?  i'm sorry im not a software guy at all and basically follow guides when needed to get into customizing this stuff.


hopefully that makes sense and i can get some ideas what to do,.. or if i need to just blow this thing fully up and start from scratch..'


any help is greatly appreciated!!!

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

If you are using a new config you may need to re-export the shares, default is no, click on a share and confirm export=yes.



I have toggled the export share option a few times, and tried the New Permissions on a share to see if that did anything.


I have confirmed that my android phone can connect to the shares (with no login) via an app called file manager. so I think it's possibly a windows/unraid thing at this point.

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