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How to tell which docker apps are filling up my docker storage?

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My docker recently failed to restart and thanks to the forum pointing out my docker storage usage I was able to temporarily resolve the issue by making my image larger, but I want to understand which docker(s?) is taking up most of the space, maybe I have some poorly configured settings? Is there somewhere in the gui or a terminal command I can see which dockers are using how much?


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5 minutes ago, Stumpy said:

Is there somewhere in the gui or a terminal command I can see which dockers are using how much?

image.png.7bbdc941d19142bbb0b8f1f6d8a90b6d.png in the Docker tab will list the size of each container. Look for ones that are unusually large.  Some are 1-3GB normally so every large size container is not necessarily a problem.   If in doubt, ask in the specific container support thread.

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Doh... I shoulda seen that.

I took a look and well, have a follow up question.

My docker.img was 20gb and apparently 100% full so I increased it to 30GB,  But when I look at container size all the dockers look somewhat normal in terms of size, but the total is 10.9GB? Am i missing something?

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  • 10 months later...

I'm having the same issue.  Looking at the container sizes, the total doesn't exceed 3.1GB and the docker image size is set to 38GB, yet I still get regular warnings of docker image use > 98%.  Not always, granted, but at least a few times a week. 


Any ideas what might be causing the image usage to be so high?




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