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Calendar / To Do List - external wireless display

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Hi Unraid community,


I'm hoping someone may be able to help me figure out this idea.  I'm hoping to create a family or personal calendar app & to do list that I can run from my server and project to an external wireless display.  (like a display in the kitchen where the family can see it)  I've been trying to figure it out for a couple of months and I seem to be going in circles.  Hoping someone can help!  :) 



- Wireless display will likely need to be a small TV, so it will need to be a graphical user interface only.  Is this where a Virtual Machine could help?

- Would need to be editable.  A touchscreen display would be amazing, but have had a difficult time finding one large enough.  If not touchscreen, how could I control and edit items?

- Nextcloud maybe has potential, but not sure how to run it directly from server to wireless display?  I only know how to run it from the web GUI on my PC?

- Magic Mirror maybe?


What do you guys think?  Would be so grateful for some help/guidance.  Thank you so much!


Edited by Kirk4444
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The common way is to connect an actual computer like a Raspberry pi or (cheaper) equivalent to the monitor that displays the web ui of whatever app you want, could be nextcloud itself or something like home assistant that can aggregate things from multiple sources.


There are quite a few "homepage" type apps to show info in a pretty way, but most will be read-only.

Edited by Kilrah
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