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unexplained reboots for my frankenstein baby

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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As with many others; I have a cobbled together unraid server from parts discarded by family members, despite the unceremonious origins; it has become my baby, my pride and joy and for the last 5 years has been flawless. Out of the blue i get an ungracefull shutdown; restart, auto mount, forced parity check and then the cycle starts again. partiy check gets 11 or so mins in each time. 

with or without the disks mounted,(all docker services stopped) it will happily sit there. untill i go to manually start a parity check. 

having read through a few different support tickets, the common thread seems to be hardware issues. ive swapped out the mismatched dinosaur ram, for some matched dinosaur ram; i have coerced another unloved pc from my boss, but short of swapping everything out like the ship of Theseus. i would like to see if anyone can decipher the syslog and/or diagnostic report. 


  as far as the syslog goes; the server was sitting with drives unmounted for 3 days; line 8699 is aprox. where I mount the drives; and go to run parity check then it reboots.


appreciate any help i can get. (and please explain like im 5; the entirety of this is based on the dulcet tones and handholding from spaceinvaders youtube)

slowpoke-diagnostics-20230701-1322.zip syslog

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