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Unraid killed External HDD?

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just trying to figure out what happened. I'm using Unraid for couple month and everything is super smooth (I'm still on 6.11.5).


I keep finding old hard drives on consolidating all data on Unraid. I copied couple HDDs to Unraid using Unassigned Devices.


Now this HDD... Plugged it in Windows machine, started copying... Slow... Cancelled the copy operation. Ejected HDD. Plugged into Unraid. It popped in Unassigned. Click Mount... Mounting... Spinning... Popped a message, something about Smart Health, moving sector... The button went from Mounting to Mount. Clicked Mount again. Similar message popped up, but different sector. Not mounted again... Removed from Unraid, plugged back into Windows machine: it sees HDD, but can't open it...


What just happened? Does Unraid tried to "fix" HDD right away without any warning?

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