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Write errors; previous mounting issues

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I recently encountered the "unmountable: missing or no file system" error on my cache drives (thread here)


Everything was good after running some suggested commands; my cache drives were mountable again and my Docker containers went back to normal. For a while.

I started encountering some issues with the containers again so I tried restarting them but started getting the "Execution Error 403" even though my cache was not full. I tried stopping/restarting the array and then ran into the "unmountable" issue again with my cache drives. Ran the "btrfs rescue" command from my other thread again and everything went back to normal. Again.

But short lived.


I've attached some more updated diagnostics that are showing write errors. I'm starting to worry that something worst is amiss. How can I fix this? Is there anything I should do to backup my container configs (since my appdata is on my cache drives) should I need to format the cache pool so that I can easily restore it?


Thank you in advance.


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