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Low-level tutorial for configuring Win10 VM and passthrough disk for VM use?

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I'm attempting to set up a VM to run Blue Iris software. I have a 10TB WD Pro Purple drive I'd like to use as an additional storage drive. I'm pretty new to this stuff, and many of the topics already discussing this process use terms and verbiage that I'm unfamiliar with, so I could use some help with explanations and clarifications in simpler terms. Thanks in advance.


I have the Unassigned Devices plugin installed, and I have the entire 10TB drive set to Passthrough within the device settings (see screenshot below).



I'd like to ensure the boot drive uses the Unraid cache drive SSD, but I want to have the WD drive as another drive available within the OS for the purposes of writing all Blue Iris recordings to. How do I achieve this within the VM configuration page?




 I've seen some posts within this forum and the subreddit suggestion adding an additional vDisk location, setting to manual, and then specifying the disk by ID, but I'm not confident I'm doing this correctly.



You can look up your exact device-id using the unraid terminal. Just execute `cd /dev/disk/by-id` command at root

And then `dir` to get a listing of all the drives available to you

Make sure to use the first listing of your device. The one without the part whatever at the end.


...then "set vDisk Location" to manual and the location as /dev/disk/by-id/<your disk>




Could someone confirm that I'm doing this correctly, or let me know if there's anything I need to configure or consider before proceeding?

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3 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Will BI record to a network share?

I'm fairly certain I've read that BI will have issues recording to a network share. I had an entire dedicated rig for BI that I'm trying to replace and I'd like to keep it as simple and familiar as possible, with the disk available as if it's installed alongside the boot drive within Windows.

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