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Looking for advice on how to approach OpenGL Acceleration


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I'll put the TL;DR up front:

I need OpenGL and preferably at least h.264 transcoding acceleration in a Windows 10 VM. I need to be able to remotely access this VM and still have that acceleration. I cannot use RDP or VNC for this. I may be able to use Looking Glass - but I'm not sure as they block lots of remote access tools where I work.

And the more lengthy description afterward:

I've been running numerous Windows and Linux VM's on my unraid box, but haven't needed actual hardware accelerated graphics for any of them. Presently my server's configuration is this:
2x Xeon e5-2658v3

2x 1tb NVME cache pool (VM storage is here as well)
nvidia Quadro P2000 for transcoding

My VM's are currently:
- Windows 10 remote access VM

- Home Assistant

- OPNSense (not actually using for my home network yet, just toying with the idea)

- My work VM which runs Windows 10 21H2 Enterprise provided by my company, and whose software is "fairly restricted"


The last VM is the one that I suddenly need acceleration on. Until now QXL has been "sufficient" since most of my day to day is office style productivity - at least in terms of the video acceleration. I now have the need to be able to run h.264 transcodes and handle OpenGL Acceleration in my work VM, because I'm now going to additionally be recording and editing video content into the VM using hardware capture and desktop screen recording. Two of the applications I normally use to do that on my laptop at the office won't even open because I don't have OpenGL support.

My server is in another room. My desktop is what I game/work on - and currently I use Spice to connect to the work VM, because it allows VNC/RDP like functionality like dynamic resolution and clipboard sharing - without me needing to run RDP (explicitly blocked by policy) or VNC (also explicitly blocked by policy). I then place this VM on one of my 3 monitors and I'm off to the races to be productive for the day. I also use USB redirection from Spice to get some meeting peripherals mapped to the VM, but that can be handled another way. Spice cannot forward the video from a secondary graphics device, since it doesn't have access to the framebuffer. There's a guest streaming agent available, but most of what I read states it is both experimental and it's Linux-only. 

So my options kind of seem like:
- Pass thru an entire GPU, try to set up spice streaming or looking glass and see if my company fights me on it.

- Figure out GPU partitioning and pass through resources from a GPU to the guest with a hybrid driver on the host so I can continue to use the P2000 for transcoding for plex as well (This seems like the best option, but I might need to upgrade from the P2000 to something beefier)


Any advice here? I'm not sure how to approach this since I both need "remote" (it's just in another room) access and hardware acceleration.


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