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Server Freezing constantly the last two days

Go to solution Solved by Can0n,

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Hi Everyone I am in a bit of panic i am having a tons of stability issues with my server right now

as of last night it seems it be very unstable freezing randomly after being stable for 25 days.

i thought it might be my 5 year old USB so i popped it into my PC and it detected errors i repaired them and copied the data to a much newer usb. inserted and booted up with array stopped..transfered license over and leaft it with docker enabled, VM disabled and left all dockers stopped. Was stable all day while i worked so i fired up plex....stable for a few hours so started firing up other dockers

i cant use diagnostics because it doesnt seem stable enough and its a hard freeze too so if any one has ideas i was able to get one screenshot with my phone as it froze once only i am suspecting a CPU or memory issue but the memtest+ is not working it just boots unraid

it froze three times last night so i left the server off for the night, fired it up today left it with array unstarted until i remoted in from work and started it making sure all dockers stayed off.

attached is the last screen on saw on the first of two freezes tonight. please help ! this server contains a lot of data i cant lose and im hoping its a simple fix. the Motherboard is an Asus with the latest bios and plugins and containers are all updated vm were disabled as well

CPU is i7 10700k, 64 GB Corsair DDR4 ram stock speeds and asus PRIME Z590-V motherboard

not thinking there is any damage to the data just possible RAM, CPU or pretty new motherboard


Edited by Can0n
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Aug 14 17:43:44 Thor kernel: macvlan_broadcast+0x10a/0x150 [macvlan]
Aug 14 17:43:44 Thor kernel: ? _raw_spin_unlock+0x14/0x29
Aug 14 17:43:44 Thor kernel: macvlan_process_broadcast+0xbc/0x12f [macvlan]

Switching to ipvlan should fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:
Aug 14 17:43:44 Thor kernel: macvlan_broadcast+0x10a/0x150 [macvlan]
Aug 14 17:43:44 Thor kernel: ? _raw_spin_unlock+0x14/0x29
Aug 14 17:43:44 Thor kernel: macvlan_process_broadcast+0xbc/0x12f [macvlan]

Switching to ipvlan should fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).

wierd i switched it after the first lock up on Sunday just verified it last night

am i going to have to blow away docker and do it again as ipvlan?

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10 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Post the output of

docker network ls


There was a report before that one or more containers were still using macvlan after changing to ipvlan, but could never reproduce.

Yeah very odd

wonder if its a glitch in 6.12.3

i deleted docker.img made a new one and deploying all my containers again using ipvlan i was using that previously with no issues i only went to macvlan so i could see my plex server in my unifi network devices list

I digress.

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  • Solution

Simply changing docker to ipvlan did not fix the issue


Stopped docker deleted docker.img


Created new one reinstalled containers


Problem appears to be resolved. 


Interesting to note while docker was using macvlan and even after I changed it to ipvlan but it was still locking up my unifi 10GB switch would go offline and the unifi udmpro would too impacting my cameras but not my access points (all ubiquiti)


Not a squak from any of the devices since fixing that docker networking had no idea it could bring my firewall and switches and other gear down.

Edited by Can0n
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