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Unraid WebGUI only accessible through one IP address

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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since I upgraded my Unraid server to 6.12.3 I am only able to access the servers WebGUI through one of its IP adresses. The server has an internet connected br0 (bond0) interface, which should be the main way of accessing the server, but the http connection times out. It also has another interface connecting only my main PC and the server (static IP) and here the WebGUI works. I also used Tailscale through docker and now switched to the native Tailscale, but the Tailscale IP also does not work for accessing the WebGUI.



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Ok, I logged out of Tailscale (uninstall is not possible for the built in version, docker version is deleted) and the local IP started working. After logging into Tailscale the local IP does not work anymore.

I think I disabled the "Unraid services listen on Tailscale IP" setting while trying to fix the issue, enabling it makes the WebGUI available through the Tailscale IP.

Here is a new diagnostic with Tailscale logged out:


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You all are right, of course. I should not be trying to troubleshoot something without enough sleep...

I just installed an update for the Tailscale plugin (released a few days ago) and now I can access the WebGUI through all IPs again. Thanks for your help!

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