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Weird error messages on console

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Lately noticed weird messages on the console after a boot up. Everything so far looks to be running. It is a while since i last checked the console.

Where is this coming from ?

Also noticed that a plugin called folderview is always gone after a reboot and i have to reinstall it.




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  • Solution

You can disable a plugin without actually removing it by renaming the .plg file to have a different extension and rebooting.   It then becomes a matter of trial-and-error.


You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread so we can see what plugins you are running.

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Ok gonna test that till i found the culprit. Here is the plugin list from the diagnostics that i have installed, maybe one of them stands out ?


appdata.backup.plg - 2023.08.16  (Up to date)
ca.cleanup.appdata.plg - 2022.10.21  (Up to date)
community.applications.plg - 2023.07.03  (Up to date)
dynamix.active.streams.plg - 2023.02.19  (Up to date)
dynamix.cache.dirs.plg - 2023.02.19  (Up to date)
dynamix.system.info.plg - 2023.02.05  (Up to date)
dynamix.system.stats.plg - 2023.02.14  (Up to date)
dynamix.system.temp.plg - 2023.02.04b  (Up to date)
dynamix.unraid.net.plg - 2023.05.03.1227  (Up to date)
fix.common.problems.plg - 2023.07.29  (Up to date)
folder.view.plg - 2023.08.20  (Up to date)
open.files.plg - 2023.06.12  (Up to date)
tips.and.tweaks.plg - 2023.07.23  (Up to date)
unassigned.devices.plg - 2023.08.18a  (Up to date)
unassigned.devices-plus.plg - 2023.08.14  (Up to date)
unassigned.devices.preclear.plg - 2023.08.14  (Up to date)
unbalance.plg - v2021.04.21  (Up to date)
unRAIDServer.plg - 6.12.3
user.scripts.plg - 2023.07.16  (Up to date)

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  • 5 months later...

Did you figure out what was causing this issue?  I have this as well and been trying to track it down off and on for a year or so, but haven't gone through the effort yet of iteratively enabling plugins.


The errors messages for me only log to the physical console, and not to syslog or anywhere else I've found.


My hunch is that it has to do with SAS drives.

updated edit: I've vaguely suspected unBalance, since I also have problems with unBalance not working right / choking on SAS drives, but these appear related as this problem does not occur with unBalance enabled on boot.

Edited by nick5429
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