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Docker crashes ~30 minutes after server spins up


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Hi there, I've been using unRAID for many years and this is the first time I've had this consistent of an issue spanning multiple days.


For some reason, the server will load up fine, and so will docker, but after about 30 minutes, I see this and my containers are no longer working:


I have tried deleting the docker image and reinstalling all my docker containers to no avail. I have attached my diagnostics file, in the hopes that someone on the forum will possibly understand what's going on here. Please let me know if there is anything I should try.


Thank you so much in advance!


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4 minutes ago, trurl said:

Cache is corrupt and read-only.




Thank you for looking into the diagnostics, @trurl - is there any specific way I should go about fixing that?

I'm unsure how this just corrupted all of a sudden when it seemed to be working flawlessly for a while.

Nonetheless, when I go into the cache drive itself, I see this option, will this do me any good?

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25 minutes ago, trurl said:

Have you done memtest?

I have not - but that seems to require me to connect a display, as I'm running in headless mode - is that correct?

The only thing I can think of is that the cache drive is failing, but I'm unsure if corruption always = dying drive

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