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Can't connect to server GUI suddenly

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Sorry I know this is probably trivial... Just moved to a new house, and I had successfully connected my server and windows PC. I was able to access it via the local network for a few days. Then yesterday I noticed a warning in the upper right corner but didn't address it. At some point, I was no longer able to access the server GUI. I have rebooted the server and my PC, and power cycled the network switches. I'm able to ping it from my PC, but still cannot access the GUI. I'm having trouble connecting via SSH or even getting a display out to a monitor. Where should I start? I'm using the same address that has always worked.

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Ok I was able to get a monitor going, forgot it had to be connected to a GPU instead of the mobo. Looks like it wasn't completing boot. Also looks like I don't have a flash backup on unraid connect. I know I set up backup somewhere. I put a clean install of unraid on the flash, and now have to try and figure out how to restore the old flash.

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You do not mention how it is failing to boot.   Sometimes downloading the zip file for a release and extracting all the bz* type file and overwriting the copies on the flash drive can help.   In terms of backup all your settings are in the ‘config’ folder on the flash drive if that can be read.

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It was stopping and hanging at various lines depending on which boot method I chose, and never reaching a login line. I just did replace the config folder onto a clean boot, and was able to finally pull diagnostics. I can see that it boots to the login line, but am still unable to reach the GUI from my local network. I booted the clean flash once before replacing the config folder, and was able to reach the GUI, which tells me my network is fine, and the issue is on the server side.


Edited by stev067
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Something in the config folder seems to be the problem, and it's not /ssh, /ssl, or network.cfg, because I overwrote the entire /config with that of my backup, minus those I mentioned, on a fresh flash, and that makes the difference between booting or not.

Edited by stev067
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11 hours ago, stev067 said:

Is it supposed to re-create network.cfg?

Only after you make a change, DHCP is working correctly:

Aug 26 04:40:36 [1769]: br0: leased for 86400 seconds

See if you can access the GUI using the IP, type http:// before since most browsers now default to https, if it still doesn't work probably best to redo the flash drive, restore the bare minimum, like array and pools assignments, the key and then reconfigure the rest, or restore a few files at a time until you find the culprit.


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