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syslog FULL of failed password login attempts


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As the title says, my syslog is being spammed 24/7 (literally every ~2s) which quickly fills up my log. It is coming from seemingly random IP addresses. Here's a snippet from it:



Sep  4 00:20:32 HomeServer  sshd[16201]: Connection from port 17867 on port 22 rdomain ""
Sep  4 00:20:37 HomeServer  sshd[16283]: Connection from port 10440 on port 22 rdomain ""
Sep  4 00:20:38 HomeServer  sshd[16283]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root
Sep  4 00:20:39 HomeServer  sshd[16201]: Failed password for root from port 17867 ssh2
Sep  4 00:20:40 HomeServer  sshd[16283]: Failed password for root from port 10440 ssh2
Sep  4 00:20:42 HomeServer  sshd[16201]: Failed password for root from port 17867 ssh2
Sep  4 00:20:43 HomeServer  sshd[16283]: Failed password for root from port 10440 ssh2
Sep  4 00:20:44 HomeServer  sshd[16201]: Received disconnect from port 17867:11:  [preauth]
Sep  4 00:20:44 HomeServer  sshd[16201]: Disconnected from authenticating user root port 17867 [preauth]

I'm 90% sure this is because I have port 22 forwarded on my server (as when I un-portforward that the logs stop) so my friends can transfer some files over (can also be faster to use Filezilla rather than using a network share).
Is there a way for me to stop this from happening? maybe IPban based off x amount of failed login attemps etc? Looking to make it more secure than just a password but unsure how, as well as reducing log-spam.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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3 hours ago, itimpi said:

Any reason you have not set Unraid up so access is via a VPN to provide security?    Unraid has the WireGuard VPN server built in.

I've looked into this now, and under Settings > VPN Manager I have now set up a tunnel with my VPN Provider (imported Tunnel) with a Peer type of "VPN Tunneled access for Docker". (local endpoint automatically whent to (not used) with no port, is that right?
To get my docker containers to use this VPN Conenction I just set the Network Type to the tunnel right? - I've also added a variable "dns" with the providers from the conf files. Is that correct? This is all new to me so apologies for any obvious questions..

I tested it with a firefox container (curl ifconfig.io from that container and it shows the VPN IP) but if I try to access any site it times out. I've noticed if I change some containers to be on the tunnel network then it doesn't work properly, eg - red-discordbot, Foundry etc. For Foundry I can access the main page, but then moving anywhere else won't load.

1) Why are these not working with the network type as the tunnel now?
2) To be able to remotely access Unraid, do I need to import a new tunnel and make a peer with type access "remote tunneled access"? Do i need to install Wireguard on my laptop/phone to access that?
3) Will this allow people to SFTP onto my server without me forwarding port 22?



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5 minutes ago, _CJCJ_ said:

2) To be able to remotely access Unraid, do I need to import a new tunnel and make a peer with type access "remote tunneled access"? Do i need to install Wireguard on my laptop/phone to access that?



6 minutes ago, _CJCJ_ said:

3) Will this allow people to SFTP onto my server without me forwarding port 22?

As long as they use the VPN client at their end and you have given them the appropriate WireGuard client configuration file to use your server.

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1 hour ago, itimpi said:

As long as they use the VPN client at their end and you have given them the appropriate WireGuard client configuration file to use your server.

I tried this on my phone (disconnected from wifi and launched vpn) and I can log in no problem, it works, thanks!
However I created another peer, set the same type of access and sent him the file. He set up Wiregaurd with the zip and whenever he connects to the VPN he loses all internet connection and can't see the unraid server page nor SFTP

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