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[6.11.5] Unable to access Unraid from a particular PC

Go to solution Solved by Frank1940,

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Hello all,


I replaced my router recently and am no longer able to access my Unraid server (WebGUI, mapped network drives, cmd line 'ping') from one windows 10 machine. A chromebook, android phone, and a windows 11 machine are all able to access the WebGUI (and mapped network drives in the case of the windows 11 machine).


Here's a picture of the error I get when trying to access mapped network drives:



Here's a list of things I have tried:

Using both the IP address of the Unraid server as well as http://tower.local 

Cleared my saved credentials in Windows Credential manager.

Changed this setting as recommended in a different thread: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Lanman Workstation > Enable insecure guest logons.

Renamed "/config/network.cfg" and restarted the server

Manually assigning an IP (to the address assigned by my old router) in my router, in unraid settings, and manually assigning the same IP in both the router and in unraid (this was mostly to make it so my family could access Jellyfin the way they were used to, but it didn't fix the problem either)

Probably a few other things I'm forgetting

I've read through a number of threads regarding Windows-Unraid issues without finding a solution, although I am sure there are more out there. Also, it seems like most of those threads relate to SMB issues, which I don't think would prevent me from accessing the WebGUI (please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).


I'll be grateful for any help you can provide.

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From a single Windows 10 computer:

  • You have no access to the Unraid GUI using a web browser?
  • You can't ping the server using the IP address of the server?

But every other device you have works and displays the GUI...   This is a strange issue that I don't recall hearing about before.  What error message is the browser giving you? 


I am putting off any SMB issues until we can get a GUI working on that WIN10 computer.  May we assume that that WIN10 computer has Internet access using that web browser?  Is the base address range of the new router that same as the old one? 


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13 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

From a single Windows 10 computer:

  • You have no access to the Unraid GUI using a web browser? 
  • You can't ping the server using the IP address of the server?

Yes to both. Here's what I get when I ping the IP address:




13 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

What error message is the browser giving you? 

Here is my browser error message:



13 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

May we assume that that WIN10 computer has Internet access using that web browser? 



13 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:


Is the base address range of the new router that same as the old one? 


I'm not sure what you mean by base address range? They both use 192.168.0.x. The Win10 computer is connected to the router by ethernet.


Thanks, I really appreciate the help.

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On the Win10 Computer, go to      Settings   >>>  Network & Internet      In the left Column, Make sure you are on   Status.   Now click on      Properties   At the bottom of that page, you will find a block of settings.  Go to the router and verify that the entries match for the computer with your WIN10 computer's IP address.    While on the router, make sure that the details match for your Unraid server also.


While in that page in MS's Settings program, make sure that the Network Profile is set to 'Private'!


Next try to log on the Unraid GUI from that WIN10 computer.   Note the time to the minute.   Now wait at least five minutes.


Then, on one of your other computers (I would use the WIN11 one), log into the Unraid GUI.    Then    Tools   >>>  Diagnostics    Upload that Diagnostics file in new post with the time of the attempted login. 


Also see this page in the manual as it provides ways to get into your server when the problems occur due to security certificate issues.




PS---   One important thing is to always reboot your Windows computer whenever you make changes to its settings.  That is the one guaranteed way to make sure all the network connections are disconnected.   (SMB has strict rules about the number of connections from clients and Windows provides to easy way to do disconnects!)

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Thanks again for all the help.


On 9/5/2023 at 4:41 AM, Frank1940 said:

On the Win10 Computer, go to      Settings   >>>  Network & Internet      In the left Column, Make sure you are on   Status.   Now click on      Properties   At the bottom of that page, you will find a block of settings.  Go to the router and verify that the entries match for the computer with your WIN10 computer's IP address.    While on the router, make sure that the details match for your Unraid server also.


While in that page in MS's Settings program, make sure that the Network Profile is set to 'Private'!


Done. The IPs for both the Unraid server and Win10 machine match.

On 9/5/2023 at 4:41 AM, Frank1940 said:


Next try to log on the Unraid GUI from that WIN10 computer.   Note the time to the minute.   Now wait at least five minutes.


Then, on one of your other computers (I would use the WIN11 one), log into the Unraid GUI.    Then    Tools   >>>  Diagnostics    Upload that Diagnostics file in new post with the time of the attempted login. 


My attempted login was at 7:57 on 9/6/2023. unraid-diagnostics-20230906-2003.zip


On 9/5/2023 at 4:41 AM, Frank1940 said:

Also see this page in the manual as it provides ways to get into your server when the problems occur due to security certificate issues.




I left all those settings at default (so Use SSL/TLS = no, localTLD = local, ports 80 and 443, etc.


On 9/5/2023 at 7:35 AM, dboonthego said:

In addition to Frank's comments, what does "ipconfig /all" show for both windows 10/11 machines?


This is what I get for ipconfig /all on windows 10 machine:



and windows 11 machine: 



On 9/5/2023 at 7:35 AM, dboonthego said:

Have you power cycled your equipment?Turn everything off and bring up modem, router, switches in that order and wait 3-5 minutes between each power up. 



I have power cycled each of those things individually, but not in such an intentional and organized fashion as you propose. I'll do that next.


Thanks again.

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I power cycled my modem + router as well as the windows 10 machine. When my PC booted up I was able to get to the WebGUI login screen for the first time in awhile, but when I went to log in I got the "This site can’t be reached. *IP address* took too long to respond." error


Not really sure what that means (if anything) but I guess it feels like progress?

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You re missing what is called a 'Host Name' on this computer.  This is a requirement for SMB in its internal processing.  (Once you successfully log in, SMB/Samba will assign you as       <Host_Name>\<SMB_User_Name>        for its internal processing.)   I am not sure what the GUI requires...


You can set this by going to   Settings    >>>  System    >>>    About            


That name (obliviously) has to be unique on your system.  Most of the time, The Manufacturer will give each computer a random generated name to prevent issues...


Edited by Frank1940
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Thanks again Frank1940.


I am embarrassed to say that a Host Name is actually displayed when I type ipconfig /all, I just edited the image for privacy reasons (perhaps misguidedly).


I take it the diagnostics file I uploaded was unrevealing?


I am working through that PDF now. Unfortunately I was unable to add my Unraid server as a network location (got a "The file \\UNRAIDSERVERNAME cannot be found" error), but I'll keep plugging away.

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Looked at the syslog and found this for the time period:

Sep  5 03:40:16 TurtleNASa  crond[1151]: exit status 1 from user root /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null
Sep  6 19:55:37 TurtleNASa webGUI: Successful login user root from


As you can see that was no failed login at that Time from IP Address    If there had been a failed logon attempt and any failed login attempt is always logged!  (This is an indication of a possible security problem!!!)


From the    ifconfig.txt     file in the   system   folder of the Diagnostics file, I found this:


        ether a8:a1:59:bb:ed:a0  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 445009  bytes 82973096 (79.1 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 18522  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 33871  bytes 10807087 (10.3 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

br0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether a8:a1:59:bb:ed:a0  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 426104  bytes 71890947 (68.5 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 29632  bytes 10419891 (9.9 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0


This indicates that the IPv4 address is      not   which was the address you were pinging your first post. 


It is necessary that you are able to ping the server using the IP address.  When we work at the IP address level, that is bottom level of the networking scheme. If you can not ping the other computer, there is no other possible way to connect to it!  (Sorry I missed this earlier but I tend to lose focus easily these days...)  


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  • Solution

I am running out of thoughts on your problem.  Can you ping the other computers on your LAN from the Win10 computer in question?   Can the other computers ping the Win10 Computer?  Can the Unraid server ping the WIN10 Computer?  Can the Unraid server ping the other Computers on the network? Can the Win10 computer ping (That is the Cloudflare DNS server?)


Is everything plugged into that new router?  Or do you have a switch in your network?  (IF you do have a switch. power cycle it.)


You haven't placed something onto a 'Guest' Network type environment? 


Could the router be defective?

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Destination host unreachable means there is no route to the destination which is different from a timeout where the route is there, but nothing responded.  Probably a dumb question, but have you rebooted the Win10 machine?  Something is awry with that device or your networking equipment.  Not being able to ping the Win10 machine isn't totally alarming as anti-virus / firewall could block incoming icmp packets.  Disable any anti-virus / firewall too.

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On 9/8/2023 at 3:27 AM, Frank1940 said:

You haven't placed something onto a 'Guest' Network type environment? 


This appears to have been it.


I turned off my guest wireless network -> Windows 10 machine can get to the the Unraid GUI. Turned guest network back on -> can't access the WebGUI. Repeated this again (just to be sure) with the same results.


I'm a little confused by this since the guest network is wireless and both the Win10 and unraid machines are connected by ethernet to the router, but whatever. I can always just leave the guest network off until I need it.


Thanks so much both Frank1940 and dboonthego. Part of the reason I went with Unraid for my NAS was because I'd heard how helpful the community is and you both have proven it!

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  • 6 months later...
On 9/12/2023 at 7:14 PM, ichnimby said:


This appears to have been it.


I turned off my guest wireless network -> Windows 10 machine can get to the the Unraid GUI. Turned guest network back on -> can't access the WebGUI. Repeated this again (just to be sure) with the same results.


I'm a little confused by this since the guest network is wireless and both the Win10 and unraid machines are connected by ethernet to the router, but whatever. I can always just leave the guest network off until I need it.


Thanks so much both Frank1940 and dboonthego. Part of the reason I went with Unraid for my NAS was because I'd heard how helpful the community is and you both have proven it!

Hi, sorry to open this thread back up but I've had the exact same issue and just like you disabling the guest network immediately solved it (thanks for that!). Have you figured out a way to have the guest network up and still be able to access Unraid?

To clarify: When I enable the guest network on the router I'm no longer able to access the gui/shares via my Win 11 PC. None of these are connected via the guest network. I could however connect to the web gui on my phone with the IP.


The router is a Asus RT-AXE7800.

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1 hour ago, Wim said:

Hi, sorry to open this thread back up but I've had the exact same issue and just like you disabling the guest network immediately solved it (thanks for that!). Have you figured out a way to have the guest network up and still be able to access Unraid?

To clarify: When I enable the guest network on the router I'm no longer able to access the gui/shares via my Win 11 PC. None of these are connected via the guest network. I could however connect to the web gui on my phone with the IP.


The router is a Asus RT-AXE7800.

 Did your read the manual?  (You may have to search for it as many manufacturers no longer provide a printed copy of it in the package!)  You are looking for the setting(s) that will determine if a wireless device is assigned to the Guest network or the regular LAN network.  (A device can not be on both simultaneously.) 


With my Netgear router, I can assign different SSID's to the Guest network and the Regular network.  One then logs a device onto the SSID where one wants that device to be.  (I can't believe that Asus does not have a similiar feature.)   When a visitor comes to my house and I want to provide them with WiFi service, I just give them the SSID login information for the Guest network.  I can also turn off the broadcast of the SSID header for the Regular WiFi so that only the Guest network header is displayed. 

Edited by Frank1940
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26 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

 Did your read the manual?  (You may have to search for it as many manufacturers no longer provide a printed copy of it in the package!)  You are looking for the setting(s) that will determine if a wireless device is assigned to the Guest network or the regular LAN network.  (A device can not be on both simultaneously.) 


With my Netgear router, I can assign different SSID's to the Guest network and the Regular network.  One then logs a device onto the SSID where one wants that device to be.  (I can't believe that Asus does not have a similiar feature.)   When a visitor comes to my house and I want to provide them with WiFi service, I just give them the SSID login information for the Guest network.  I can also turn off the broadcast of the SSID header for the Regular WiFi so that only the Guest network header is displayed. 

I have (now) but it doesn't really provide any more info, that I can see anyway. I do have the guest network set as a separate SSID and password. However neither the Unraid or my PC is connected via WiFi so I find it rather strange.. If I enable "Access Intranet" it starts working again as well but that kinda defeats the purpose of a guest network imo.


I've attached a couple of images below of the guest network setup screens of the router. 






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25 minutes ago, Wim said:

I've attached a couple of images below of the guest network setup screens of the router. 


OK, but where is the setup for the Regular WiFi network?   The intend of a guest Network is to allow access by its clients to the Internet and to prevent access to the computers on your LAN. 


You also need a WiFi setup for the Regular WiFi with its own unique 'Network Name (SSID)'.  (This SSID must be different from the Guest SSID!)  This Regular WiFi will allow access to both the Internet and the computers on your local LAN.  BTW, hiding this 'Network Name (SSID)' is not necessary.  Your router is already broadcasting it for all the world to see.  The WPA Preshared Key is the thing to be hidden. 


You can tell when you have things set up right.  When you open up the WiFi connections selection screen on a WiFi device (computer, Smartphone, etc.), you will see a list of the available WiFi connections.  You should see both of your router's SSID names on the list of potential connections. 

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Maybe, I am missing the point.   Are you saying that your computer that is connected by a cat5 cable can not access your Unraid server that is also connected by wire when you turn on the Asus Guest network feature?   That sounds like an issue you should be taking up with Asus...

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3 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

Maybe, I am missing the point.   Are you saying that your computer that is connected by a cat5 cable can not access your Unraid server that is also connected by wire when you turn on the Asus Guest network feature?   That sounds like an issue you should be taking up with Asus...

Yup, that is exactly what is happening, which I find reaaally weird! Yeah.. probably have to do that, I gave this thread a try first though since the OP had similar issues. Thanks!

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