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Unraid OS Constant Crashes - Need Support


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Hello Unraid community,

I've been using Unraid OS for several years now, but I've been encountering issues over the past few months. Believing it could be a hardware issue, I decided to change my motherboard. However, even after the change, I'm still experiencing strange issues:

The web interface is not working.

SSH is unresponsive.

This morning, both the web interface and SSH were down, and my VMs were unresponsive. Interestingly, my Plex and some dockers were still running. I had to do a forced restart, and a few minutes later, I received a message indicating that my USB key was corrupted.

I'm reaching out to seek advice or solutions to resolve these persistent issues. Has anyone faced similar problems? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.



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28 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Try rebooting, the Connect plugin can take some time to show the correct key status.


I was able to activate the USB key, that's not the problem. The issue is that after a few minutes, the key seems to disconnect from the server as if I had removed it. I switched the USB port to see if I still have the problem.

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