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No Web or Local CLI access? Tips to prevent


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Been running well for more than a month but started having issues accessing the UI from both WAN & LAN but my containers were still working (I even tried my local IP from a firefox container running on my machine. The login page loaded but signing in just kept spinning then future attempts didn't even show the login page).

Later in the night, I noticed my dockers were unresponsive (no Home Assistant, for example). Plugged a monitor into my machine and saw the CLI with weird text I assume were errors. I couldn't figure out how to reboot (I wasn't sure if I was logged in or not but couldn't figure out how to login if I wasn't).

Did a hard reset, nothing Unraid-related showed after my BIOS posted. After another unsuccessful hard reset, I went into the bios to confirm boot option (it was correct) and I changed boot wait time from 3s to 10s. Save & Reset then Unraid started to load/show. 


Attached diags. 


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Perhaps the errors on the screen I saw didn't get mirrored to the syslog; I'll make sure to take a picture next time. All is seemingly fine now - maybe it was a cosmic bit flip. I'll come back if it happens again, hopefully next time with more helpful information (though, hopefully there is no next time)

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