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Starting a month ago Docker has become unstable

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hello all,

I've been using Docker with 25-ish apps for over a year now.  Recently, I've been experiencing lockups beginning with load increasing over 200 at which time I can only run "uptime". Shutdown is unresponsive to change init levels and only a hard reboot is able to recover the system.  Parity checks have been successful after reboots.
I began with slowly restarting docker apps one at a time and I cannot trace the problematic container.  I did a full delete and restore of the docker.img and that worked for a little over a week then started acting up again.  Same thing, load over 300, cold boot, rebuilt docker image and this time it lasted an hour before creeping up over 80.  docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) allowed the system to recover and I was able to get a diagnostic zip (attached).

I want to attempt to pin the apps to specific cpus but I've read that isn't reliable with docker.
Any help would be appreciated.
thank you,



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1 hour ago, danringer said:

I want to attempt to pin the apps to specific cpus but I've read that isn't reliable with docker.

What's not reliable about it?  It works.  Only "issue" (and it's not an issue if you really think about what's going on under the hood) is if you attempt to pin containers to multiple isolated cores.  Since you're not running any VMs, doubtful you've got any isolated cores

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Can I pin docker to specific cores? or only specific containers?  can I pin several containers to the same core?  If I isolate cores does that prevent unraid from locking up if docker gets carried away?
Can we determine from the diags what's going wrong that is forcing docker to run up the system load?

Thank you,


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