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Is unraid the right OS for me?

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this is my first post in this forum and I hope I got the right Subforum.

I am using Yunohost at the moment on my HP EliteDesk 600 G3 with a 1TB SSD and a 2x2TB SDD. I want some more "flexibility" and want to cut of the "web" part.  I just want to allow access to my server via VPN, so that my data is not visible to the web. I also have a synology raid 1 and backing up my data every night with restic from my server to the synology. I know unraid is not a raid, but I would like to have a "mirror" of this 2TB  SSDs to the second one. Is this a stupid Idee?


What I want is: easy way of installing Docker Apps like Nextcloud, Vaultwarden, Calibre web ..etc and I testet it with unraid and it was pretty straightforward, but I alway feel like unraid is WAY to powerful for usecase, because at the moment I just use SSDs and 2 TB is enough for me (maybe in future I will add some HDDs).

But if I just spinup some debian and portainer I have a lot things to care about and time... yeah time is limited and missing the security features and so on.


So my cryptic question is: should I use unraid or is something else better for my use case?

Thanks in advance 🙂


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7 hours ago, bauerbyter said:

I tried it. I like the UI and UX, maybe I should rewrite my question. Does unraid makes sense just for two SSDs? Can I mirror them? Heard there is a problem with trim if I use the parity.

I used a mini PC N5105 as AIO before, only has a flash drive for unraid OS, and one 256G SSD for VMs and some dockers.


It's easy but it can be done with PVE or ESXi with a little more learning curve.

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12 hours ago, bauerbyter said:

Is this a stupid Idee?

I backup my UnRAID server. I trust nothing.


12 hours ago, bauerbyter said:

I just want to allow access to my server via VPN

Just me, but get a router of your own. Some like pfSense, or Opensense, or Unifi, or etc...


Everyone else has offered very good advise.



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