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WebGUI works, but can't connect to smb from mac or windows

Go to solution Solved by totalconfusion49987,

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Hi all,

Total newb here, so sorry for this post, but I am at a complete loss.


I recently finished setting up my first unraid server (6.12.5). I didn't have any trouble setting up the array, parity, cache, etc. Connecting to the server via the WebGUI has worked without issue. But I have been tearing my hair out trying to get either my Mac or Windows 10 computers to connect to the server via SMB.


The Mac can see the server in Network. If I change the name of the server, the new name is immediately shown in Mac / Network. But when I click on it, it says "connection failed". When I click "connect as" to enter credentials, it says "There was a problem connecting to the server Tower1. This file server will not allow any additional users to log on. Try to connect again later."


The Windows 10 computer doesn't connect at all. I've worked through the famous pdf document, set up Windows Credentials, changed the SMB settings, set the network settings as instructed, etc. (Although, it seems clear that none of that was the issue in this case, since the Mac can't connect either).


In unraid, I've set up a user, given that user permission to shares, etc. I've created both public and private shares, to no avail. I've loaded the server in Safe Mode (no plugins) but it hasn't had any effect.


I've been through the forums and youtube videos. I found a thread (https://forums.unraid.net/topic/128213-692-6103-you-do-not-have-permissions-to-access-this-server/page/2/) in which folder permissions proved to be an issue. However, I have confirmed (as best as I know how) that that is not what's happening here. I also saw a thread from 11 years ago in which someone had this issue due to bad sectors on their flash drive. I plugged my flash drive back into a Windows computer to look for anything like that, but didn't see anything wrong (not sure how to do it in Windows 10 anyway).


I appreciate any ideas you might have about what to try next...


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Sorry about the authentication errors at the end of the log... My toddler snuck in and mashed the keyboard a few times.


I am not able to access the public share. I made a test share "public_test_share" with Export = Yes and Security = public, but can't access it.


I wasn't clear about the implications of this statement: "only root user has access to the webUI and command line, and root user only has guest access to shares." Can you clarify, is there something about my settings that I should change to address this?

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10 minutes ago, totalconfusion49987 said:

I wasn't clear about the implications of this statement: "only root user has access to the webUI and command line, and root user only has guest access to shares." Can you clarify, is there something about my settings that I should change to address this?

This is by design and nothing you can do to change it. you just need to be aware that you can only access the webUI or command line with root login, but trying to login as root for share access is the same as trying an unknown user.

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  • Solution

I'm going back through the bios settings again to see if anything looks off.


Just to confirm:  I have VT-d = Enabled and VMD controller = Disabled.  I've tried these settings both ways and it doesn't seem to affect anything.


Unless anyone has any ideas, I think I will next try a new flash drive with a new version of unraid (6.12.6). Don't know what else to try.



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Hi all,


That worked. I used a new flash drive and put the latest version of unraid on it. I set up the server again, and selected "parity disk is already correct" since nothing on the hardware changed (hopefully that's ok to do).


My next step: Figure out how to get a Windows 11 VM on unraid and set up Blue Iris for my security cameras. Wish me luck... I'm excited about the potential power of unraid, but it's been a wrestling match each step of the way to get things to work... It would have been impossible without all the community resources.


All the best.

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