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Unraid Random Crashes

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hello everyone,


Unraid has been crashing randomly for a few weeks now. There are times when I can still access Docker containers, there are times when I cannot.


In fact, there were a couple of days that it crashes when running Appdata Backup. Every time the web interface and terminal freezes, unable to do anything - some of the times I've been able to watch the screen go black.


Please find attached the diagnostics, since I have not been able to get anything relevant out of the logs.


Thank you all very much in advance.



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it looks like you are getting macvlan crashes, and these are known to eventually crash the server on the 6.12.x Unraid releases. The easiest thing is to switch docker to using ipvlan networking. If you need to continue using macvlan then make sure you disable bridging on eth0 as mentioned in the release notes.


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Hello again,


A few hours ago it happened again. I attach the logs. Unfortunately I do not understand what is the origin of the problems. According to what you mentioned before and looking at the logs it seems to be again a macvlans problem, but I went into settings and changed it to ipvlans.


P.S: I don't have the 'Mirror to Flash' option configured.

datacenter-kern.log datacenter-user.log

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