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6.12.6 kernal panic and other errors


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I was running unraid on a pc with the following specs
CPU: 13600k

RAM: 32gb DDR4, I've upgraded from 16GB and have had the same issues on both sets of ram

I've had nothing but issues after attempting to update to 6.12.6.
I can't remember what version of unraid I was upgrading from, but I had thought it was 6.12.5

My unraid PC was working fine without issues up until I attempted to update to the OS about 2 days ago.


I had attempted to update unraid via the OS itself and it wouldn't boot into unraid at all after this, I'm not sure why as I couldn't get any kind of video output from my NAS at the time, I suspect I got a similar error to what I got now.
I made a copy of the files on my flash drive and have tried doing a clean install of unraid 6.12.6 on the flash drive using the flash creator, downloading the 6.12.6 zip file and selecting local ZIP in the creator and by manually copying the files over.

I get a kernal panic error while unraid boots. "Kernal panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!"


I then tried doing the same with 6.12.5 and get a checksum error on one of the BZ files. It seems to be a different one each time I install the files on the drive. I do sometimes get past the the checksum errors and instead get a MCE/machine check exception error. I also occasionally got into the unraid OS itself and when I attempted to setup the OS key it said the drive was blacklisted, but the flash creator doesn't say the drive is blacklisted, I've tested the flash creator with a flash drive I know is blacklisted and it says the other drive black listed.

I have tried all this on two new flash drives, using 6.12.6, 6.12.5 and 6.11.5 and I get the same issues.

I have tried using 6.12.6 on a family members PC and it seems to boot fine.
I'm not sure what specs the PC has however.

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Its just passed a memtest with 0 errors


I can't get Ubuntu to run on it either, it just stops doing anything during boot.
I kept a copy of my original 6.12.6 unraid files from the flash drive and it boots fine on another PC.
I have also tried putting the ram in different slots, and I saw no change in the errors I get.

At this point I'm feeling like its a hardware problem with my PC, specifically a MOBO or CPU issue.
I'm not sure why this has happened after updating to 6.12.6, I suspect there may have been an issue for a while and I've not had to power it off.

I may look at replacing the MOBO, I'm not sure when I'll be able to do this however.


Edited by Orewell
providing an update on the issue in this thread
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