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Known SMB Issues with Intel N100?


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I´m new to Unraid an the whole Homeserver-Thing. I have 2 Mini-PC´s which i am testing with Unraid.  (For Testing-Purpose MacOS Timemachine Backup via SMB to an external USB 3.0 Hardrive) 
I tried both Mini PCs with the same Setup / Config, from the same Unraid-Bootstick. (The have the same onboard Realtek Ethernet controller)

When i connect to the SMB-Share via Wifi with my MBP M1Pro (Sonoma) to the Mini PC A (with a Celeron 5095 / 8GB Ram), and Copy a 15MB Testfile to the SMB Share, the FileTransfer starts immediately.
If i do the same thing while connected to Unraid Mini-PC B (with Intel N100 / 16GB Ram - same Unraid-Stick), it take way longer an the Copy-Dialog shows "Calculating time". The larger the File, the longer it takes, and is unusable. 

Does someone have  a idea what could be the reason for this different smb-copy-speed?


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