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Server has been hanging/becoming unresponsive


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My Unraid server has started becoming unresponsive, requiring a hard reboot to bring it back & sometimes multiple hard reboots. I initially thought it was a bad nic port on my motherboard and installed a fiber PCI card which worked fine for a day or two, but then issues persisted. 


Today I connected a monitor to the normally headless server and when it became unresponsive I logged in at the server where it looked normal. It then became responsive again after doing so. I've noticed other times where it'll be responsive, unresponsive for a short moment and show the array not started and the docker not running due to that, then the array starts and the docker also starts. 


I'm really hoping it's not a hardware issue, but would appreciate any help! I've posted diagnostics below. The last known issue happened 12/23 around 10pm-11:15pm.


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I've been having this same behavior. Sometimes hours, sometimes a day or 2 between crashes.


I'm seeing a lot of trace calls in my logs, I'm beginning to think the fix they thought they had for the macvlan issue wasn't a fix. I had zero problems in 6.11.5, but after moving into 6.12.5 this began. I've run memtest, swapped components, removed everything not necessary... I'll be following this and I have a similar post in the forums ongoing. 

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I made the move to IPVLAN, I also have ubiquiti gear etc etc.  i also made these changes...


Host access to custom networks:


Preserve user defined networks:


I've yet to have any issues yet personally and all issues have ceased. This is not an ideal solution, but it's working for me for now. I'm now at 48 hours stable and error free for the first time in months.


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