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"No space left on device" when I have 1 TB left

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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I noticed that one of my containers reported that were "no space left on device" and when I try to copy a file from the cache drive over to a folder in the array, I get the error below (using Dynamix File Manager for the move). I am wondering if there is something allocating space that even rsync is seeing it as no space. I am just not sure how to check for these types of allocations if any.


"rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "/mnt/user/data/misc/.qbittorrent.log.bak.Bf89RB" failed: No space left on device (28)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1336) [sender=3.2.7]"



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3 minutes ago, trurl said:

390511081 seems like a value that the user would not have set. Must have been calculated based on other usage.


390511081 * 1024 is nearly 400 GB. @goldcoin93 do you have any files that large?

Thanks. That's something I didn't set. I let UnRaid set it since at that time, I didn't know I was going to fill my 12 TB so fast. I don't have anything larger than 400Gb. I lowered it to 100Gb and everything went back to normal. I'm adding 14 TB tomorrow so I'll pump it back. Not sure what's usually the best practice for this. Any advise?

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2 minutes ago, trurl said:

Larger than the largest file you expect to write to the share.


You also need to set a Minimum Free for your cache.


Thanks again. Not sure if I understand this. Minimum free space is what UnRaid will be the minimum space in the drive before rejecting any write into the drive. In other words, if I have minimum free space set as 300Gb, technically, I can only use 700Gb in a 1TB drive, correct?


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  • Solution

If an array drive gets below Minimum Free for the User Share, Unraid will select a different array drive.


If cache (or other pool) gets below Minimum Free, new writes to the pool will overflow to Secondary storage if one is set for the User Share.


For example, if Minimum Free is set to 50GB, and a disk has 60GB free, then Unraid can choose the disk for the file. If the file is 55GB and the disk is chosen, the write will succeed, after which the disk will only have 5GB free, which is less than Minimum. So the disk won't be chosen again for that User Share.


If Minimum Free is 50GB, and a disk has 60GB free, then Unraid can choose the disk for the file. If the file is 70GB, the write will fail because the disk doesn't have enough space.


In the general case, Unraid has no way to know how large a file will become so it decides in advance where to put the file, and it won't change its mind and try to move it somewhere else if the disk fills up.

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