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docker wont start / shares missing but data still present

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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A disk1 dropped offline and came back with disabled disk so followed steps on the forum and powered down server replaced sata cable with a new one, then done steps to clear the disabled error on disk1 but upon bringing array back up and starting the rebuilt process of the disk1 i have noticed the below 


1. docker server failed to start and within settings it shows 


2. i only have 3 shares where i should have 8 / 9 shares, the 3 shares present appear to have nothing in them and viewing shares over a network they appear empty 





but checking array it shown the data still present 



I have a rebuild for disk 1 is in process so cannot reboot at this moment and time this might fix it but opened this help request in case it doesn't and looking for input 




Also noticed the following is spamming my system logs 



Daigs logs attached 


Also noticed when going into backup/restore appdata and going to the restore option i get this but i assume its cause docker aint running 




I just hope after a rebuild is done and a reboot and it comes to life again :( cause otherwise not got a clue how to recover this, also this server was running for 3 month without an issues and the disk1 issue happened on the 5th but was only noticed today 


Edited by LoyalScotsman
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