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New install NO GUI just command line

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Just installed unRaid for the first time and its booting to the command line no gui or option to finish setting up the system. I burned a new flash drive thinking something went wrong with the first drive. I have rebooted still only command line except for a blank blue and white menu that comes up initially with text underneath that says press tab to edit and a count down to boot. But that menu has nothing in it just blue and white with above mentioned text. then it gets to a login cli and i enter root and enter and I get a green root@tower cli. I tried a few random things I have seen online from other users but nothing helped to get the gui up so i could finish the install and setup my drives etc. Been at this all day and am almost to the point of installing truenas but really dont want to go that way. But with as much trouble i am having I am glad I didnt buy it before i tried like I was going to do. Hopefully this is something simple and I can get things up and running tomorrow. since I cant get into the system yet I dont have any log files but I am installing on a Dell Optiplex 7050 with 2 ssd's and 2 hdd's.


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Did you get the Unraid boot menu which gives you several boot options?  The default is to boot to console mode which your screen shot shows seems to show has happened, but if you got the boot menu you can instead select to boot to GUI mode.  


Regardless have you tried connecting to the Unraid server from another machine with a web browser (on the displayed address which seems to be at this point).   This should bring up the web GUI.   It is the traditional way that Unraid has been administered from before the days that there was even a GUI boot mode.


If for any reason that does not work then you can type the word 'diagnostics' on the console shown in your screen shot and that will create a file in the 'logs' folder on the flash drive that you can post here (in your next post) so we can see what might be going wrong.

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4 hours ago, itimpi said:

connecting to the Unraid server from another machine with a web browser (on the displayed address which seems to be at this point).   This should bring up the web GUI.   It is the traditional way that Unraid has been administered

Many of us run headless and rely on this method.

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