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[SUPPORT] - Community Applications - redbot

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##----Temporary Location! I will relocate this post to Docker Container forum when new template is approved, and added to Community Apps----##


Red-DiscordBot V3 Community Applications Template


Welcome to the support page of the Red-DiscordBot V3 Community Applications template. This template installs the newest Red-DiscordBot in a convenient multi-arch container. Red is self hosted, fully modular, Discord bot – meaning all features and commands can be enabled/disabled to your liking, making it completely customizable.


The default set of modules includes and is not limited to:

  • Moderation features (kick/ban/softban/hackban, mod-log, filter, chat cleanup)
  • Trivia (lists are included and can be easily added)
  • Music features (YouTube, SoundCloud, local files, playlists, queues)
  • Stream alerts (Twitch, Youtube, Picarto)
  • Bank (slot machine, user credits)
  • Custom commands
  • Imgur/gif search
  • Admin automation (self-role assignment, cross-server announcements, mod-mail reports)
  • Customisable command permissions
  • Additionally, other cogs (plugins) can be easily found and added from our growing community of cog repositories.

GitHub Repositories

Cog-Creators Red DiscordBot: https://github.com/Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot

PhasecoreX's Docker Container: https://github.com/PhasecoreX/docker-red-discordbot
Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/jonasbonno/discordbot
Cog Repository: https://index.discord.red/

Example to launch a new Red Bot in your Discord, and load the Audio Cog so you can play music from youtube etc:

  1. Create a new bot in the Discord Developer Portal: https://discord.com/developers/applications
  2. Enable Administrator Permissions
  3. Enable Privileged Gateway Intents
  4. Create and Copy the Token for use in the Unraid Template
  5. Install the Template using the new Bot Token
  6. Invite the Bot to the server using the link generated and displayed in logs Example:
    1. I am assuming your chosen prefix = .
  7. Load the Audio cog by sending a message to the bot on discord with: .load audio


Check here for a list of audio commands, and more details:

Edited by TeddyTux
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  • 4 weeks later...

One thing that needs to be added either to the template itself, or somewhere in the description is there needs to be a PATH for persistent data. Right now if you spend a week setting up cogs, and you don't realize that it's not actually saving all the information, then you go to update, you lose all the work you did.

Ask me how I know lol.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/18/2024 at 1:11 PM, TeddyTux said:

Sorry for the trouble! The template already defaults to config = /mnt/user/appdata/redbot.  That should be your persistent data storage.  What else did you set? Thanks

I'm experiencing the same issue. I've set /config as per the below. The app can see the path as I'm also developing a cog, but it doesn't seem to store anything else in there relating to any actual config. All cogs, settings, any apis set get wiped on update (but seem fine on restart).

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  • 4 months later...

Also having this issue, all cogs and settings are reset upon updating. The redbot github page is no help, could this be due to the VENV that redbot is "required' to run in? Would really love a solution for a persistent data path since I keep having to re-load all cogs and settings after each update.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/18/2024 at 3:11 AM, TeddyTux said:

Sorry for the trouble! The template already defaults to config = /mnt/user/appdata/redbot.  That should be your persistent data storage.  What else did you set? Thanks

If I'm not mistaken the issue is that the template does NOT set a "PATH" but instead just a "variable". Hence the data is stored in the container and not mapped to a location like "/mnt/user/appdata/redbot" on the array.

I have to say, while I'm grateful for the container, I'm also having trouble using it. Right now I'm struggling with two things.

1. Getting the persistent path to work. I added a new "PATH" that maps /config to /mnt/user/appdata/redbot and I can access /config in the container and see whatever files I manually put into /mnt/user/appdata/redbot but besides that the folder is empty (so no RedBot config).

2. How can I access RedBot within the container in the console to, for example, restore a backup from an RedBot instance I had running on a Raspberry Pi so far?
I uploaded the backup to /mnt/user/appdata/redbot and, as said, I can see the file in the container at /config but I'm unable to actually "enter RedBot" within python to apply the backup?

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On 8/1/2024 at 9:42 AM, RauchenwaldC said:

If I'm not mistaken the issue is that the template does NOT set a "PATH" but instead just a "variable". Hence the data is stored in the container and not mapped to a location like "/mnt/user/appdata/redbot" on the array.

I have to say, while I'm grateful for the container, I'm also having trouble using it. Right now I'm struggling with two things.

1. Getting the persistent path to work. I added a new "PATH" that maps /config to /mnt/user/appdata/redbot and I can access /config in the container and see whatever files I manually put into /mnt/user/appdata/redbot but besides that the folder is empty (so no RedBot config).

2. How can I access RedBot within the container in the console to, for example, restore a backup from an RedBot instance I had running on a Raspberry Pi so far?
I uploaded the backup to /mnt/user/appdata/redbot and, as said, I can see the file in the container at /config but I'm unable to actually "enter RedBot" within python to apply the backup?

Just wanted to provide what I think should be a solution for this. I simply switched to a different container ("red-discordbot" by Selfhosters), which seems to have a persistent path. I haven't been able to test it with updates yet, but it actually creates a mapped folder in appdata with cogs and configs visibly inside it. I believe this should fix our issue and it is fundamentally the same container. (Just copy the same discord token from this container's template, delete this one, and input that token into the new container)


EDIT: Upon testing after a redbot update. this alternative container does keep previous configs/cogs. Would recommend switching to it for now.

Edited by jorphi
Updating info after further testing
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