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Syslog filling 13% a day

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1 hour ago, lgnmcrules said:

Hello, my Syslog has filled up.  I wasn't paying attention to the server for a few days.  I thought it was unmanic causing the fuss, but after twiddling with that, it didn't seem like that was the case.  How do I go about preventing this in the future?  My diagnostics are attached.


Thank you

diagnostics-20240119-0915.zip 241.83 kB · 1 download

the biggest culprit recently has been the Connect plugin doing excessive logging.    The latest update to the plugin fixes this, but you then need to reboot to get the log space reset.

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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Post the output of:


du -h /var/log


0       /var/log/pwfail
122M    /var/log/unraid-api
0       /var/log/swtpm/libvirt/qemu
0       /var/log/swtpm/libvirt
0       /var/log/swtpm
0       /var/log/samba/cores/rpcd_winreg
0       /var/log/samba/cores/rpcd_classic
0       /var/log/samba/cores/rpcd_lsad
0       /var/log/samba/cores/samba-dcerpcd
0       /var/log/samba/cores/winbindd
0       /var/log/samba/cores/smbd
0       /var/log/samba/cores
5.0M    /var/log/samba
0       /var/log/plugins
0       /var/log/pkgtools/removed_uninstall_scripts
0       /var/log/pkgtools/removed_scripts
28K     /var/log/pkgtools/removed_packages
28K     /var/log/pkgtools
488K    /var/log/nginx
0       /var/log/nfsd
32K     /var/log/libvirt/qemu
0       /var/log/libvirt/ch
60K     /var/log/libvirt
128M    /var/log


It looks like the unraid API is most of the space

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