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Docker compose containers editable in Unraid UI

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Hi all. I need some assistance.


All my docker containers are in docker compose except for one, Dockge, this is what I use to manage my docker compose. I have used portainer in the past and also the docker compose plugin for unraid but I feel that Dockge works better. 


Now my problem is, when you create a container outside of the Unraid UI, you can not edit or make changes to that container in the Unraid UI. Like if you click on the icon, there is no edit option (See attached Image1.png). This is how it should be. Now I have a compose file for my Arr-services, and all the containers in there work as expected, i can not edit them in the Unraid UI, expect for one. For some reason Unraid still allows me to edit the container (See attached Image2.png). Now this itself wont be an issue, but the issue come once a week when I do Appdata backups. I use the unraid plugin for this so it stops all the containers, does the backup and starts them again. 

When the plugin stops the containers to do the backups, it removes all the containers (as it should) but it doesnt remove the prowlarr container, it just stops it. When the backup is done and it wants to start all the containers again, the whole stack fails to start because there is already a container with the name Prowlarr. I then need to manually go and stop the stack, remove the container from Unraid UI and then I can start the stack again. 

How can I solve this issue? Any tips would be appreciated. 


Thanks all. 



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  • 3 months later...

I know, old post but I ended up here searching for something different, maybe others come across this too and I know the answer... so:

unraid >> apps >> previous apps >> tick / mark what you want to remove >> delete button

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We call that dangling images.

docker ps
to list running


docker stop %name
Docker kill %name

This is also Sometimes viewable in the unraid docker tab.
 Advance toggle at top right and delete orphaned images..

User script comes prepackaged with a script to delete them:

the script:


docker rmi $(docker images --quiet --filter "dangling=true")

echo Finished
echo if an error shows above, no dangling images were found to delete


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