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Read/Write counters on Main` work, bytes counters do not...?

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Hi All,

I've been using Unraid for a few years now and love it. Fairly familiar with all of its features, so this issue is a major headscratcher.

First, I'll say I have two unraid servers, both running 6.12.6.

Primary server does NOT have this issue, secondary does and I can't figure out why...


On the "Main" tab, if I am in the "Reads/Writes (IO/s)" mode for the disk counters, they increment as expected while any disk operations are ongoing. 

When I click to change to "bytes" mode, all disks remain at 0 Bytes/sec, forever, while the same operations are running.

I can switch back and forth, in real time white xfers are running, one mode works and one shows constant zero.


I can't think of a reason for this behavior, nor can I find a setting that affects the counters and I've been trying for a while.

- I've stopped/started the array, rebooted, etc. No change.

- The array is started and has no errors, parity is valid (one disk)

- Docker running or not (no difference)

- If I log into the server via SSH or the terminal through the WebUI and run "iostak -k 1", I see the disk reads/writes in bytes per second, just as I would expect, so the data is clearly accessible, it is just not making it to the WebUI for some reason.


Has anyone else seen this? I'm hoping it's something simple I am overlooking, but I can't imagine what it could be at this point.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.





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I did, and that didn't help... but I did figure out the cause, or at least part of it.

One of my disks filled up at one point, and after that the bytes counters stopped working. Redistributing some data so that disk was no longer full didn't fix the counters, but after the next reboot (once the disk was no longer full), they started working again.

So it seems like it might be some corner-case bug that is only triggered when an individual disk fills up.


While that did solve the mystery of the non-functional byte counters, it exposed a different mystery... why that disk filled up to begin with.

I have tried everything I can think of to avoid adding more data to my Disk1 but nothing works.   


I tried with it as the lone "exclude" disk, I tried with all disks except 1 as "included", and I tried both together which is redundant and should not be necessary... and every combination of fill-up method, but in every scenario, disk1 still gets all new writes to the point it fills up, even when I have 8 other disks with plenty of space free.

Is there anything I've not covered that would explain why Disk1 keeps getting ALL the damn writes, when it shouldn't?

The other drives work fine..... I can manually copy to them, the "unbalanced" app works fine to redistribute data, etc...  it's just that the "new" data sent to the /mnt/user/data share does not obey the rules I configure to prefer the other disks under any circumstances.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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1 hour ago, infinisean said:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You should post your system's diagnostics zip file in your next post in this thread to get more informed feedback.  It is always a good idea to post this if your question might involve us seeing how you have things set up or to look at recent logs.


The one thing that occurs to me for a potential cause is the Split Level setting on User shares?   This setting takes priority on User shares in case of conflict with other share settings so can force files to a drive because of the path involved.

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1 hour ago, infinisean said:

but in every scenario, disk1 still gets all new writes to the point it fills up, even when I have 8 other disks with plenty of space free.

Usually that means you have something that is set up to write directly to /mnt/disk1 instead of /mnt/user, thereby bypassing any automatic redirection.

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