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libvirt backup questions

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I have a quick couple of questions that I can't find answers to in the forums.  I use the vmbackup plugin to backup my VMs.  This is backing up a .fd, .qcow2/img and .xml file for each vm.  I have one manual backup of libvirt.img from some time ago, does this file change regularly and should I be running a scheduled backup of it?  Is there anything else I need to backup in order to be able to restore my vms?



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2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

It will change if you add a new VM, or change the configuration for any existing one.

Thanks.  I've just taken another backup as I made some changes to one of my VMs recently.  I might create a user script to a weekly backup of it.  Do all the VMs need to be stopped for me to back it up?  It looks like the file isn't locked, so I should just be able to rsync it to my backups location?

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