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Plex can't see any new media after migrating from my Synology

Go to solution Solved by Bmalone,

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I migrated PMS from my Synology to a new Unraid server where I’m running PMS as a Docker container. The migration worked perfectly, except it won’t recognize any new media. When I try to scan, it just completes almost instantly and no new media is added. I’ve checked the container paths and host paths many many times and it all looks correct. The only option I have is to just delete the PMS and start afresh. Maybe I’m missing something simple.  Anyone have any ideas what I could try?  I can see all the content that I had on my Synology when I stopped it for the migration, but I've added a lot of new media and none of it is being picked up.  I also noticed some of my media folders such as 'tv' and 'films' seem to randomly duplicated, albeit they're empty.  I chucked it up to being an Unraid bug but maybe it's related.  Despite the container being immutable, I thought that if my container paths were mapped to my host path where my tv and films are that it would be able to pick up new media.  Did I assume too much?


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19 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Post your docker run command for the container.

JFYI - I since deleted the GPU config to try and simplify it.  


docker run
  -e TZ="America/Chicago"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Goathead"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Plex-Media-Server"
  -e 'PLEX_CLAIM'='claim-RXRxSmBgPmXozLRcJ6n2'
  -e 'PLEX_UID'='99'
  -e 'PLEX_GID'='100'
  -e 'VERSION'='latest'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:32400]/web'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plexinc/pms-docker/master/img/plex-server.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/tv/':'/media/tv':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/Films/':'/media/films':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server':'/config':'rw' 'plexinc/pms-docker'

The command finished successfully!

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2 minutes ago, Bmalone said:

  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/tv/':'/media/tv':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/Films/':'/media/films':'rw'

Do you see the folders tv and Films when you look in the unraiddata share over SMB? The contents of those folders should appear in the /media/tv and /media/films folders inside the Plex container. Keep in mind linux is case sensitive, so Films and films are different.

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You think?  I can rename Films to films, but I'd be incredibly surprised if that's what's causing the issue.  It's not seeing either.  I also had other folders for other media and it didn't see those either.  I can't get any of the other imagine versions to work either, only the official Plex image.  That's the only one that will actually run.

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I'm not suggesting you rename anything yet, just delete one of the two mappings and edit the remaining one.

1 hour ago, Bmalone said:

-v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/tv/':'/media/tv':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/Films/':'/media/films':'rw'

delete either one, and edit the other to remove the trailing tv or F(f)ilms entry.


End result should just be one entry

/mnt/user/unraiddata = /media

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Didn't make any difference.


docker run
  -e TZ="America/Chicago"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Goathead"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Plex-Media-Server"
  -e 'PLEX_CLAIM'='claim-RXRxSmBgPmXozLRcJ6n2'
  -e 'PLEX_UID'='99'
  -e 'PLEX_GID'='100'
  -e 'VERSION'='latest'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:32400]/web'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plexinc/pms-docker/master/img/plex-server.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/Films/':'/media':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server':'/config':'rw' 'plexinc/pms-docker'

The command finished successfully!

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That was my misunderstanding.  By the way, originally I did have a map to /user/unraiddata but deleted it as I was trying to simplify.   It still can't see any media.


docker run
  -e TZ="America/Chicago"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Goathead"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Plex-Media-Server"
  -e 'PLEX_CLAIM'='claim-RXRxSmBgPmXozLRcJ6n2'
  -e 'PLEX_UID'='99'
  -e 'PLEX_GID'='100'
  -e 'VERSION'='latest'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:32400]/web'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plexinc/pms-docker/master/img/plex-server.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/':'/media':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/Plex-Media-Server':'/config':'rw' 'plexinc/pms-docker'

The command finished successfully!

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  • Solution

I will run it and report back.  However, I have an update.  Your comment about permissions got me thinking.  The shares were owned by my user account.  I switched the permissions to 'Nobody' and all of a sudden Plex lit up with scanning activity.  I just added the mnt/user/unraiddata:/data as you suggested.  Plex seems confused as to what belongs where as I have TV, films, sports (F1, MotoGP, etc), and miscellaneous (extras, how-to-videos, random stuff I want available with a player).  Also, there are less films discovered than I have, but it's still scanning.  I have well over 5,000 films and over 500 TV series', so I think it should at least sort out the films and TV after it's done scanning.

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1 hour ago, Bmalone said:

Plex seems confused as to what belongs where as I have TV, films, sports (F1, MotoGP, etc), and miscellaneous

I don't use plex, so I may be wrong, but I think you are supposed to assign different subfolders to different library types so it knows how to differentiate. You don't need different mappings for the container, just select the subfolders in the tree that you mapped.

Earlier you had /media, but now you referenced /data, so I have no clue how you have it set up.


I could be wrong though, I just know how Emby and jellyfin do it.

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Since the official Plex image uses /data by default, instead of /media, I thought I better leave it as is and only mapped the subfolders for the non-TV and non-film libraries and it worked.  So I'm sorted now.  Thanks so much for your help.  I spent all weekend trying to get this to work to no avail.

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