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Unraid freezes while parity-check in progress after power failure

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Last weekend, I had a power loss to my Unraid server HAL.
Once power was back, I restarted the server and noticed that the parity-check is in progress. Later that day, I couldn't reach the server anymore thru the WebGUI. Local comand line was also not responsive.
Hence, I powered down the server by holding the power button and started it again.

Since then, Unraid froze two more time while parity-check was in progress.
I am now in my fourth attempt in finishing parity-check being at 49% done with 713 errors fixed.
Today, I opened the system log while parity-check is in progress and I found that ata9 and ata10 seem to have difficulties (see log file attached).
I then tried to figure out which drive these two would be and I found that ata9 directs to sdh, sdi, and sdi1 and ata10 to sdk1 & sdl1.
Can this be correct?

Few weeks prior to the power loss, I added a PCI SATA controller card for ten additional disks. Everything looked good prior to the power loss (but I did not look so closely then compared to now).

Attached it the diagnostic file and a copy of the system log while parity-check is still in progress.

Can you help?

hal.local logs.txt hal-diagnostics-20240326-1605.zip

Edited by Teffi71
correcting typos
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16 minutes ago, Teffi71 said:

While I am now looking for another card, can I still use the four sata on the top of the card?

You can try, if those are the main ports it may work better, but at least one it will still be using the SATA multiplier.

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Once the server freezes up again, I will try to replug the disks accordingly! I will also remove the two extra SSDs. Then I should be fine with the total SATA slots until the new controller arrives. 
I ordered:

  • Broadcom LSI 9300-16i SATA / SAS HBA Controller RAID 12Gbps PCIe x8 Avago IT FW Refurbished
  • 4 x miniSAS auf 4x SATA Kabel SFF-8087 0,5m

shall arrive after Easter, I guess ... I ordered it from here https://www.its-haehnlein.com/Shop/ 

Thanks again for your quick support!

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