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Unraid Connect dashboard not reporting parity disk is disabled

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I have just seen on one of my Unraid servers that the parity disk is disabled.  Not sure why but I will swop out the disk.  However the only way I found out was when I directly accessed the unraid server.  I also use the Unraid Connect dashboard/plugin to keep an eye on the servers but this did not indicate any problems with the server which I am very surprised about as this is such a severe problem


The Unraid Connect dashboard shows the server with the green online icon.  There is no indication that the parity disk is disabled.


This is a major flaw with the Unraid Connect plugin/dashboard and needs to be included in the next update

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4 hours ago, mauriceatkinson@btconnect. said:

I have just seen on one of my Unraid servers that the parity disk is disabled.  Not sure why but I will swop out the disk.  However the only way I found out was when I directly accessed the unraid server.  I also use the Unraid Connect dashboard/plugin to keep an eye on the servers but this did not indicate any problems with the server which I am very surprised about as this is such a severe problem


The Unraid Connect dashboard shows the server with the green online icon.  There is no indication that the parity disk is disabled.


This is a major flaw with the Unraid Connect plugin/dashboard and needs to be included in the next update

Do you have notifications enabled to tell you when something like this occurs?

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