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Windows 10 corrupted - Need Guidance

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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I do have access to the ISO and I'm currently finishing backing up important files before I attempt fixes on the OS. I had URBackup running for some files but not all.


My Windows 10 Pro VM is stored on my cache drive. The other day the Zero-Log corrupted again. I was able to rescue it as it was not the first time. However when starting up the VM, VNC would show Guest has not initialized display (yet). Again, seen this issue before and I fixed it in the past by creating a new VM template and manually referencing the old iso. However this time when windows boots I'm met with a BSOD that reads Bad System Config Info. Windows automatic repairs fail. Windows install disk repairs fail.


There is one guide I followed. To use DISM and SFC to repair. I can't get the DISM commands to execute. Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth results in error 50. To fix that error I try dism /image:C: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions which results in error 3 saying the image cannot be accessed. I've had to change the drive in the command from :😄 to :X: as I guess that's a recovery mode thing? As a result I'm greeted with error 2 instead. The rest of the search results to fix these errors include using software or tools not available in the recovery mode.

I give up on DISM and try SFC now. SFC /scannow scans the disk and presents WIndows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation. I try chkdsk /r next, this says Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected. Search results don't bring me to any solutions for this.


Disk part says there are no disks listed. No partitions. The only volumes are the 2 ISO drives from the VM, ESD-ISO and virtio.


I'm ready to write off the install and start fresh. I've backed up what I care about. But I hate giving up without exhausting all my options. If you'd like to give some things for me to try that would be neat.

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