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Some containers using a custom br0 network show port mappings, and some do not

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Why do some containers using a custom br0 network show port mappings, and others do not?


I understand that when you use a custom network, the port mappings no longer matter. But I'm confused on why some containers in the unRAID GUI are showing port mappings, and others are not, for the same br0 network.


For those containers that don't list them, is there a way for me to get them showing up, so that things are consistent in the GUI?


See the attached screenshot. The `swag` and `Plex-Media-Server` docker containers use my br0 network and have port mappings defined. But `homeasistant` has no port mappings showing.



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On 4/3/2024 at 5:21 AM, guitarlp said:

Why do some containers using a custom br0 network show port mappings, and others do not?

On 8/30/2024 at 3:59 PM, pkoasne said:

Bumping this thread. Thanks

This is actually a visual bug in the WebUI from Unraid and is caused because some maintainers exposing ports in their Dockerfiles, while others do not.

The TLDR is at the bottom. If you want more details, read on...


The technical explanation is: if a maintainer exposes Docker ports in his Dockerfile, the exposed ports will be displayed in combination with br0.

If a maintainer doesn't expose a port in his Dockerfile, you will see an empty line, as is the case for your container "homeassistant."


However, the current implementation in the WebUI is not ideal and can be misleading. The reason is that if you assign br0 to a container, you are actually exposing all ports and the container then behaves similarly to a computer on your local network, with all ports exposed and reachable from anywhere in your network.


For example, if a maintainer exposes port 8123 in his Dockerfile, and you decide to change that port in the configuration of the app running inside the container to 1111, the WebUI will still display 8123 which is wrong.


This visual bug will be fixed in the next beta version of Unraid 7 and will look like this:



As you can see in the screenshot above for the Firefox container, which uses br0, the WebUI will now correctly display "all," as all ports are now reachable.


TLDR: If you are using a container in br0, all ports are actually exposed. The way it is currently displayed in the WebUI is incorrect. This will be fixed in the next Unraid 7 beta.


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