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problem after update...

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I recently updated to the most recent stable OS. After the update, I saw an "updating 3rd party pugins" at the top. I decided to let it run for a day. After I came back I still saw the same thing. I dont have very many plugins since I just want my NAS to run as a PLEX server with radarr and sonarr. I also have been having connection problems (sudden but quick dropping of connection, remote plex server offline, etc...) so I double checked my mtu is at 1500 and i was using ipvlan instead of (macvalian?) for connection. I changed the connection form ipv4 only to ipv4 and 6. after my safe reboot, the webgui does not come up anymore. the script seems to go through the whole thing but i caught it saying it didnt detect the lan i think. I am not a pro at remember computer stuff but i am fairly OK just not good enough for script or anything like that. I am trying to stabilize my connection AND more importantly get the webgui back up. I was able to disconnect the flash and get the syslog from it i believe. answers? i was also thinking of wiping the settings clean but not wiping the drives or backup. any ideas about that too?


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