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Issues copying my license to a new USB

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My motherboard went haywire and corrupted my drives with SATA errors. My new motherboard would not boot my old USB, so I made a new one, and copied my Basic.key from my old USB /config to the new USB. 


It told me it was successful, but I am getting error 4 (fixed by changing date time), and now getting a successful copy key, with an error.


I use the 

Install Key

To install a registration key, paste the key file URL in the box below and click Install Key.

Key file URL:


and get the following error message:


Something went wrong

Basic Key Recovered Successfully


Any help ? I'm trying to rebuild my server after a few weeks downtime, and this is sending me batty. Followed several guides, error messages no help.

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Nothing works.  Have tried manual download, auto download, delete, rename etc.

Any help very much appreciated., Unfortunately the licensing process is a black box, so I can't brute force solve it like I usually do.

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I deactivated the old USB drive, copied the old key across. First error. I then downloaded the excising key (see images above) and the error occurred again. Have read a number of articles dealing with Error 4, and key not working, and have downloaded, rebooted and renamed several times as per most articles.



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To make a backup copy of the known good working UNRAID USB drive, can I make an image of the working USB drive & copy it to a new USB drive?

On a linux PC using the dd command, can I ..

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/root/UNRAID.img bs=8M

Remove working USB drive

Insert new USB drive

dd if=/root/UNRAID.img of=/dev/sdb bs=8M



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