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This USB Flash device has an invalid GUID - Stale Server

Go to solution Solved by ib134866,

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After upgrading to Version 6.12.8 2024-02-15 of unraid and rebooting the version and uptime display this :



If I click on the Fix Error, I am prompted to manage my Unraid account and presented with this error:


I have been using this flash drive with unraid since 2011 with my pro license.


What is the issue?  I am unable to update to any later version without correcting this issue.



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You can try backing up the flash drive and recreating it from the backup to see if helps.   That might help if for some reason the system is having trouble reading the flash drive.   You could also try posting your system's diagnostics to see if we can spot anything in there.


Failing that you will need to contact support to get this sorted as they are the ones who deal with any licencing issues.  If you go this route make sure you get an automated acknowledgement to confirm your request was received.

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7 hours ago, ib134866 said:

I have contacted support twice about this issue with about two weeks between requests, but I have never received acknowledgement or a reply.

Which method did you use?   Going via the contact support form seems to work reliably but other routes are less reliable for some reason.   If you did not get the automated acknowledgement then the request almost certainly did not get through.


If necessary/easier you can do a manual upgrade to 6.12.10 by following the procedure documented here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. 

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I manually upgraded to Version 6.12.10 2024-04-03 as described in the documented procedure here, but the problem persists.  I have also re-submitted a support request as suggested and I did receive a confirmation email that the support ticket was created.  Thank you all for your assistance.  I will update the thread when I receive a response from support.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

After exhaustive investigation from support, it appears that the /config/plugins/dynamix/case-model.cfg was corrupted on the USB boor drive.

I deleted this file as instructed by support, refreshed the Unraid UI and the problem was fixed.


Support suggested that "Note that doing that (deleting the case-model.cfg file) can change the case that appears on the dashboard page, if you want to go back to default, you can copy that same file from the stock Unraid download zip, just copy it to the same folder."

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