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Terminal Session not working with Unraid Connect "Protocol Error"

Go to solution Solved by ljm42,

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Not sure if I've missed a config somewhere after setting up unraid connect, but I'm not not able to access a terminal session/command line from the WebUI menu any longer.  When i click, I get the following: 



This site can’t provide a secure connection

"ServerIP" sent an invalid response.





In Settings>Management Access I have the following:

Start page: Main
TELNET port: 23
Use SSH: Yes
SSH port: 22
Use UPnP: Yes
Use SSL/TLS: Yes
HTTP port: 80
HTTPS port: 443
Local TLD: local


FYI, I've also used Use SSL/TSL as STRICT, no difference.


I can access/manage the server from connect.myunraid.net just fine (also get "can't provide a secure connection" from command line button).


I've also made sure that Enable DNS Rebind protection is turned on in my router.


Log attached in case its helpful...


Given this is a protocol error, got to believe I just have a bad config somewhere. 


Appreciate wisdom from the community!  ;)





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As an interesting sideline, I tried to download the detailed unraid-api logs and got the following error:


{"data":null,"errors":[{"message":"The CORS policy for this site does not allow access from the specified Origin."}]}


Perhaps diagnostic?

Edited by jeffreywhunter
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On 4/28/2024 at 9:59 AM, jeffreywhunter said:

Quick update, today I discovered that I can ONLY access my server through connect.unraid.net website.  If I use https://192-X-X-X.[that special custom string].myunraid.net/Dashboard it will not work now.  I can only access if I login to connect.myunraid.net.  I must have missed something important...


Something must be wrong with your bookmark, maybe the server's IP address changed?


Access the webgui through Connect and go to the Settings -> Management Access page. That will list all of the available local access urls, including the ip.hash.myunraid.net one. When you use the url listed there you should be able to access the server.


On 4/27/2024 at 4:14 PM, jeffreywhunter said:

I'm not not able to access a terminal session/command line from the WebUI menu any longer.  When i click, I get the following: 



This site can’t provide a secure connection

"ServerIP" sent an invalid response.




I need more detail about what you are doing. Based on the settings you provided, your webgui is hosted on port 443 not 4200.  Are you maybe trying to do something with a Docker container?


Also please provide the full diagnostics.zip (from Tools -> Diagnostics)

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None of the links on the Management access page works except the local NAT server address.  I've tried them all and only the NAT address works from a local browser (warning about not secure).


I have dockers running, but not trying explicitly to do anything other than clicking on the command line icon in the unraid menu to open a terminal session.


Diagnostics attached.  Thanks in advance!


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1 hour ago, jeffreywhunter said:

None of the links on the Management access page works except the local NAT server address.  I've tried them all and only the NAT address works from a local browser (warning about not secure).


Please right click on the https://ip.hash.unraid.net one and choose "open in a new tab". Please show a screenshot of what happens.


1 hour ago, jeffreywhunter said:

not trying explicitly to do anything other than clicking on the command line icon in the unraid menu to open a terminal session.


A screenshot of this would be helpful too


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  • Solution
On 4/27/2024 at 4:14 PM, jeffreywhunter said:

I've also made sure that Enable DNS Rebind protection is turned on in my router.


This is the problem, DNS Rebind Protection needs to be disabled.


Diagnostics shows that DNS requests for 192-168-4-100.hash.myunraid.net do not resolve.  It needs to resolve to in order for the url to work.


Isn't there a message about this on the Settings -> Management Access page?

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Posted (edited)

Duh, I totally misread what the DNS Rebind protection did.  I had understood that to protect the DNS resolution preventing attacks. But DNS rebinding protection blocks the use of private IP ranges by public domains - so that will essentially (potentially) give some modest protection - but also prevents resolution from connect.myunraid...  Live and learn.  Thanks!


Edited by jeffreywhunter
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