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Poential data loss after failed upgrade.

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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And it did, with all the data intact. Now I will start the rebuild of disk 1. Then there are 11 drives to go. Will report back if I have any more issues and if it all went ok. Thank you again for all your help sir. :)

Edited by strike
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  • 4 weeks later...

So finally, after 3 weeks all my 12 drives which were unmountable are back in operation. Xfs_repair was able to fix them all. I only "lost" 3 seasons of a show on 1 drive. Or I didn't lose them per say, they where moved to lost+found but all the files were renamed to just numbers. I index all my files with an app called cathy so it was easy finding out which files were missing. But I decided to delete them since I didn't want to spend time figuring out which episode all the files were. I can get them back, so no biggie. Will mark this as solved now.

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