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New config to reactivate disabled drive after repair

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So long story short, I fried all 5 HDDs in my system recently by send 12v down the 5v pins.


Setup was:

1x 8tb HDD parity

3x 8tb HDD media

1x 4tb HDD personal files and cloud 

2x 256gb SSDs for cache


I have sent the 4tb drive to be repaired, but the shop doesn't sound confident in their abilities. 


On the 8tb drives, I decided to try soldering a jumper over the 5v fuse (confirmed to be damaged, so I assumed the drives were protected). And wouldn't ya know it, unraid recognized all 4x 8tb drives as installed and healthy.


Plot twist.

Before the fry, I was having issues with one of the 8tb media drives intermittently dropping out. I have reason to believe the molex to sata power adapter was to blame. Anyway, apparently this drive was set to 'disabled. Contents emulated' before the fry occurred.  So now, the system sees that drive as installed and healthy, but still has the status as 'disabled. Contents emulated' AND the 4tb drive as 'Drive Missing. Disabled. Contents emulated.


Is there a way I can tell Unraid that the 8tb drive is good to go and unchanged, then use parity to recover the 4tb drive?  


As a note, if this is successful I'll be replacing the 8tb drives 1 by 1 using parity as well, unless it would be faster to just move the data to new drives via a file transfer. 

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12 minutes ago, POP414 said:

this drive was set to 'disabled. Contents emulated' before the fry occurred. 

That means parity is no longer valid, as there were writes to the array committed to the parity drive that were destined for the emulated drive. Since that emulated drive doesn't match the physical drive, parity isn't accurate for the 4TB.

14 minutes ago, POP414 said:

Is there a way I can tell Unraid that the 8tb drive is good to go and unchanged,

Yes, but it's not unchanged, as a write to it failed. Unraid only fails and emulates drives when a write fails, that write is then only able to be sent to parity.


You certainly can try what you are proposing, but the chances of getting everything back is pretty low. At the very least I'd expect unmountable drives that would need file system repair, probably also corrupt files.


To do what you are saying you need a temporary drive to assign to the 4TB slot after doing a new config and putting all the drives back in the correct slot. Start the array in maintenance mode, being SURE to check the box stating parity is already valid during this process. Stop the array, remove the temporary 4TB drive, then start the array to allow the 4TB slot to be emulated from parity.

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If I attempt this, do I risk losing more than just info on the 4tb drive?  And is the risk of loss the whole drive or just more recent files?  I only have a layman's understanding of the parity protection functionality. 


I don't mind losing whatever the last things written to the 8tb drive were supposed to be, as it would just be movies/tv shows. 


Also, just to be clear. I would insert a 4tb replacement drive, go to new config and assign that drive to the missing 4tb slot. Start in maint mode, and check parity valid. This then makes system think ALL drives are OK?  Then shut down, remove 4tb drive, and replace with different 4tb drive to start rebuilding?

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23 minutes ago, POP414 said:

If I attempt this, do I risk losing more than just info on the 4tb drive?



23 minutes ago, POP414 said:

And is the risk of loss the whole drive or just more recent files?

Difficult say, if the parity is not in sync the data may look fine but then there would be corruptions.


This will only work if parity is still valid:


-Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply
-Check all assignments and assign any missing disk(s) if needed, including the new disk you want to rebuild, replacement disk should be same size or larger than the old one
-IMPORTANT - Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array (note that the GUI will still show that data on parity disk(s) will be overwritten, this is normal as it doesn't account for the checkbox, but it won't be as long as it's checked)
-Stop array
-Unassign the disk you want to rebuild
-Start array (in normal mode now) and post the diags.



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