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I have replaced three drives all in the parity 2 slot

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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This is the third parity drive that has given read errors. I have 2 parity drives and the drive in parity 2 keeps getting read errors. I have replaced it 3 times and in the same slot parity 2. At each drive replacement I have changed the cable to brand new SATS cables. I have moved it from a SATA card to on board controller. This last iteration about 3 week ago I installed a brand new LSI SAS2308 HBA and a new WD Red NAS drive ( I had in storage). All the drives have been either a Seagate NAS or a WD Red NAS drive, drives that should be able to handle the extra writes of a parity drive. This is the third one that has started getting read errors and it is always the second parity slot? Is there anyone that can give me assistance on figuring out this problem? I have attached the diag. Many thanks in advance.


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@JorgeB No I do not but I can check if the power is shorting out or something


@Frank1940 It is not in a hot swap Bay exactly it's is in a normal tower case but the HBA could be hot swappable compatible.


From you questions the theory I am working with is the power cable could be shorting out or something and it is knocking the drive offline causing read errors. Then the HBA thinks it's a new drive and reconnecting it. It is showing up in unassigned devices now.


For additional information it happened again last night. I had removed and added it back and it rebuilt the parity. This morning it is in an error state again. I have added the diag just in case.


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Ugh that is frustrating if that is the problem. That drive was on a Molex to SATA adapter. I changed it out and added the last drive back in that had previous read errors. I put them both on preclear for 3 cycles and to see if anything comes up. Thanks for you help.

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